

When 瓦进行 first enrolled at Metropolitan State University of 丹佛, she was unsure about the academic path she would take. 作为一个孩子, she had thought a career in medicine would be fulfilling, 但自我怀疑阻碍了她的追求.

然而, her life’s path took a radical turn during that first year at 密歇根州立大学丹佛 after Pernas received devastating news: a diagnosis of Stage 3 angiosarcoma, 一种极其罕见的癌症. She had just turned 20 and needed immediate chemotherapy, followed by surgery and radiation.

“通过这一挑战, 我经历了巨大的损失, but I also gained something meaningful: a spark in a dream I had tucked away,珀纳斯说.

Pernas’ treatment sparked her curiosity for the complexities of health care systems and disease management. 与此同时, her radiation oncologist suggested acupuncture, medical massages and visits with a nutritionist — an approach Pernas found refreshingly humanizing.

“他让我以不同的方式看待医学,珀纳斯说, a native of Costa Rica who moved to 丹佛 in 2012. “When it was time for me to return to school, I knew I had to pursue this new passion.”

She reenrolled at 密歇根州立大学丹佛 in the Integrative Health Care Program, which gives students a wide perspective on how to approach health care in a holistic way, 佩纳说,.

She served as a teaching assistant in the program for three years. Pernas also pushed for change in the local health care landscape. She testified before the Colorado House and Senate, sharing her experiences with systemic health barriers in support of the Colorado Building Families Act. 该法案成为了法律, ensuring access to fertility services under private insurance in Colorado — something she had been denied during her cancer treatment.

“One of the biggest lessons I received was resilience,珀纳斯说. “There is immense power in using your perceived barriers as a catalyst for change.”


盖伯瑞尔特鲁希略,总统 A病房的赢家

在密歇根州立大学丹佛分校, 盖伯瑞尔特鲁希略 has found community and leadership as a queer, 无证, 低收入拉丁裔学生.

“密歇根州立大学丹佛 truly elevates diversity on campus,” said Trujillo. “皇冠官网网站在这里得到支持和庆祝.”

That support has enabled Trujillo to acquire a world-class education, majoring in Psychology and writing an honors thesis on sex education and the LGBTQ+ population.

Trujillo credits the University’s 移民服务 Program with helping him access his education despite the challenges he faced. 典型的, 他给予了回报, leading workshops for high-schoolers and helping train faculty and staff members on the needs of 无证 students.

在学生会也很活跃, Trujillo has participated in the University’s 多样性、公平和包容 Committee, the Hispanic-Serving机构 subcommittee and a variety of other leadership roles. And he threw himself wholeheartedly into his studies, even when they took him far afield.

心理学教授兰迪·史密斯博士.D., recalled traveling with Trujillo to present research at two of the field’s most prestigious conferences. “Prior to these trips, Gabe had never flown on a plane,” said Smith. “I was so impressed by his bravery and enthusiasm for the kinds of adventures these conferences afforded him.”

Trujillo stays grounded with the help of his brothers. 当他在大学二年级的时候, 特鲁希略的母亲去世了, and he took over as his younger brothers’ guardian. “Even though we came through a tragic experience, I still feel really grateful to be their guardian,他说. “他们是我最大的动力.”

That motivation will carry him through his next journey: a two-year fellowship with the El Pomar Foundation, 专门从事拨款的机构, 领导和社区参与.

“I truly do think that everybody has the potential to be a leader,” said Trujillo. “他们只需要得到这样的机会.”


Exemplary students that have fulfilled the criteria to apply for one or more of the 优秀学生奖, 可以在教务处网站上查询吗.


  • 总统奖 (获胜者将由一名学生在毕业典礼上发言!)
  • 教务长的奖 (获胜者将由一名学生在毕业典礼上发言!)
  • 优秀服务-皇冠体育官网
  • 商学院优秀学生
  • Outstanding Student in the College of Letters, Arts, and Sciences
  • Outstanding Student in the College of Professional Studies
  • 教育学院优秀学生
  • Outstanding Student in the 酒店管理学院

The winners of the President’s and 教务长的奖s will be the featured student speakers during the Commencement ceremonies.

For more information about the awards, visit the 教务长.
