A message from 总统 Davidson




10月. 1, 2020


Dear Roadrunners,

Earlier this year, we made the difficult decision to postpone the spring Commencement ceremony until 12月ember, with the intention of coming together in person to mark this milestone moment in our students’ academic careers. Throughout the past several months, we’ve continued to weigh the ongoing COVID-19 crisis against all potential options for the spring and fall 2020 Commencement ceremonies. After much consideration, I write with great disappointment to inform you that in-person ceremonies will not be possible in 12月ember.

We had truly hoped to be in a different place by this point, but due to the state and city mandates imposed on large gatherings and venue restrictions, we simply cannot conduct ceremonies as usual. 话虽如此, we are still moving forward with robust and separate virtual ceremonies for the spring and fall 2020 graduating classes, which will take place Friday, 12月. 11. We have a fantastic and innovative team doing everything in their power to recreate the Commencement experience online, and more details will be coming soon. If you have questions or feedback, please reach out to our Commencement team at [email protected].

While this is not the outcome we all hoped for, I know that as Roadrunners, we will do an amazing job supporting our graduates and ensuring that their extraordinary accomplishments do not go unrecognized.


Janine Davidson, Ph.D.
