罗伯特·K上校. Mock was a legend at Metro State for his courage and daring as a fighter pilot; his love of aviation, which led him to teach and serve as department chair and dean; and his dedication to Metro State College and his students.

莫克上校于1987年来到大都会州立大学,担任航空航天系主任,并于1996年被任命为专业研究学院院长. 在这个职位上工作了五年之后, 他回到航空系任教,成为最受尊敬和喜爱的教员之一. 2005年,大都会州立大学授予Mock教授杰出服务奖. 2007-2008年,他被追授Metro State杰出顾问奖. 莫克上校在学院的历史长达21年.