CVA brings two extraordinary exhibitions to view with the opening of 香蕉的狂热, a look at how one fruit has shaped the culture and 环境 of a continent, and 培养这是对科罗拉多州食物获取途径的探索. 的se two exhibitions examine the food industry through distinct lenses with one focusing on the devastating effects of the banana monoculture 和 other focusing on the daily practices of food production and consumption locally. 结合, the exhibitions fuel a necessary dialogue about the way our world centers on the mass production and consumption of food at the expense of culture, 环境, 人类健康.


在整个运行过程中 培养 & 香蕉的狂热 展览,CVA正在与 粗暴的角落 (前身为Roadrunner Food储藏室), a vital resource for MSU 丹佛 students experiencing food insecurity, to increase donations and awareness of the resources available to students 和 local community. 请考虑今天捐款: 粗暴的角落

截屏日期:2022-07-22.18.47 PM


espsamcimen Raro # 3_朱利安占婆人_Banana狂潮副本

香蕉的狂热 unites nine contemporary artists whose work examines the banana production of Caribbean and Latin American countries. 作为世界上第四大粮食作物, the banana dominates food production in Latin America where they are grown on large mono-crop plantations mostly run by three multi-national corporations. 的se works range from investigations of human-rights violations, 生物多样性消失的记录, and highlights of the effects of pesticides on health and 环境, to a satirical reenactment of the origins of the banana monoculture. 的 works in this exhibition bear evidence in a stinging indictment against those who have acted in the interest of profit over humanity, 导致生产者和消费者之间的严重不平等.

Apuntes conceptuales sobre el extractivismo bananero en Barú_送奶工人Delgado_香蕉的狂热6 copy


艺术家们 香蕉的狂热 reflect on the dramatic footprint that the banana industry has left in both the natural and social ecosystems of banana producing nations since the beginning of the 20th Century until today. 参展艺术家包括María josise Argenzio, 朱利安占婆人, 克劳迪娅Claremi, 送奶工人Delgado, Óscar Figueroa Chávez, 莱昂纳多冈萨雷斯, 蕾切尔·莫兹曼·索拉诺, Daniela Serruya Kohn, 和 research agency Forensic Architecture in collaboration with 的 Truth Commission. 香蕉的狂热 是由. 胡安妮塔·索拉诺博士. 布兰卡塞拉诺.


同时显示, 培养 features the work of seven Colorado-based artists exploring food insecurity and access in Colorado. 的 exhibition was inspired by 萨米。李’s paper-skin mural titled Bolt Down:皇冠官网网站对粮食不安全的叙述 and its representation of data collected by the Colorado Health Institute. 用她的标志性技术,感觉和铸造纸, Lee Illustrates the shocking lack of food security faced by Colorado residents, 尤其是年轻人.


Eileen Roscina用她的装置 剩下的 to address the inefficiency and wastefulness of the United States’ food system. Roscina highlights the struggle of millions of Americans to afford adequate food while the equivalent of 130 billion meals of food ends up in the garbage yearly. 除了, 珍惜马尔克斯’s work points to the struggle to find healthy food in her animation of a food desert, a situation found in many communities in Colorado with low access to grocery stores.

作为粮食不安全和不公平获取的对照, artists Tsehai约翰逊 and 希瑟Link-Bergman question our food choices. 通过手工餐具的安装, Johnson encourages viewers to discover and use the edible “weed” plants that commonly grow unassisted in our neighborhoods. While 希瑟Link-Bergman uses collaged food advertisements to explore the impact of food trends and to question the gains and losses of these obsessions.

Artists 薇薇安·勒·库尔图瓦 and DesertArtLAB (artist duo April Bojorquez and Matt Garcia) approach their work with an eye toward creative solutions. 使用手工制作的瓷器花盆, 薇薇安·勒·库尔图瓦在她的装置中种植可食用植物, 展示了在家种植食物的便利性. DesertArtLab inspires with their ongoing Land Art work “的 Desert Cookbook”. 使用普韦布洛的一个城市沙漠场地, CO, DesertArtLab teaches ancient food practices used by indigenous communities living in arid regions.

HLB_Acquired Tastes_CVA 2副本

培养 celebrates these local artists who examine our food systems with a critical eye and rally around a thoughtful approach to food production. 艺术家包括DesertArtLAB (April Bojorquez和Matt Garcia), Tsehai约翰逊, 薇薇安·勒·库尔图瓦, 萨米。李, 希瑟Link-Bergman, 珍惜马尔克斯, 和艾琳·罗西娜. 培养 是由CVA主任和策展人Cecily Cullen策划的.



CVA欢迎DesertArtLAB讨论他们的项目 的 沙漠化食谱: Revitalizing Desert Wasteland through Land Art. 使用普韦布洛的一个城市沙漠场地, CO, DesertArtLAB teaches ancient food practices used by indigenous communities living in arid regions. 与 沙漠化食谱, DesertArtLAB asks us to revise our view of the desert as a wasteland and instead see its ability to cultivate food in unexpected ways.

香蕉狂热艺术家 & 策展人说话

香蕉狂热艺术家 & 从2022年10月19日开始的策展人虚拟谈话

CVA的欢迎 香蕉的狂热 curators Juanita Solano Roa and 布兰卡塞拉诺 Ortiz de Solórzano and artists María José Argenzio and 蕾切尔·莫兹曼·索拉诺 to speak about the artwork 和mes presented in the exhibition.


Click the button below to access a list of Colorado organizations providing healthy food education and access.



在整个运行过程中 培养 & 香蕉的狂热 展览,CVA正在与 粗暴的角落, a vital resource for MSU 丹佛 students experiencing food insecurity, to increase donations and awareness of the resources available to students 和 local community.


CVA与 从艺术到土地 为两个展览编写气候影响报告. 的se reports will kick off CVA’s 可持续性 Plan and will be made public on CVA’s website.


Auraria可持续校园计划 will support CVA’s sustainability efforts, including hosting Zero-Waste events.


CVA感谢 丹佛植物园 感谢作为推广合作伙伴的支持.


谢谢 科罗拉多创意产业 和 国家艺术基金会 提供展览经费.


的 视觉艺术中心 at the Metropolitan State University of 丹佛 is committed to sustainability. This exhibition is our inaugural carbon calculation, reduction and drawdown support efforts.
